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Projekt dizajniranja sučelja korištenjem virtualnih agenata izložen je na Izložbi hrvatskog dizajna 0910.
Projekt dizajniranja sučelja korištenjem virtualnih agenata (koncept: Ivica Mitrović, animacije: Ivan Milas) izložen je na Izložbi hrvatskog dizajna 0910.
Agenti kao dio sučelja uvode novu društvenu komponentu u komunikaciji čovjeka i računala. Uvjerljivost je temelj njihove prihvaćenosti, a samim time i upotrebljivosti sučelja. Razvijena je metodologija modeliranja virtualnih programskih agenata, temeljenih na idealno-tipskim obilježjima neverbalnog ponašanja u skladu s pripadnim životnim stilom. Na osnovu analize empirijskog materijala razvijen je model koji se za svaki stil sastoji od leksikona gestikulacije koji sadrži repertoar gestikulacije tog stila.
Isti sadržaj se na različiti način vizualno prezentiraju korisniku ovisno o životnom stilu agenta. Za potrebe ovog prototipa je oblikovano nekoliko gesta na osnovu leksikona stila, vanjskog izgleda i snimljenog materijala. Geste su izvedene modularno, svi bitni elementi tijela su neovisni objekti, te je jednostavno oblikovati i ostale geste stila.
Agents as elements of interface bring a new social component in HCI. Their believability is the key for their acceptance by users, and thus the usability of the interface. It has been shown that users accept those agents with which they can identify, those with which they share the same identity (age, culture, social status, lifestyle etc.)
So far the way of modelling elements of the agents’ social world is based on the approach from a psychological perspective. This research has developed a methodology for modelling socially believable virtual software agents. Their nonverbal behaviour is based on ideal-type features which are compatible with their lifestyle. This model is based not only on the psychological aspects, but also on the social aspects of human behaviour.
The sociology of lifestyles, which does not include only abstract values and attitudes, but their visual manifestation as well, proved itself as the most suitable in this context. A methodology has been set, a coding scheme developed and an empirical research has been conducted and recorded.
Based on analysis of the coded material a model has been developed that is, for each particular style, composed of: (i) gestures lexicon that contains a repertoire of hands gesticulation for that lifestyle, (ii) probabilistic parameters that determine the way the hands are used, body posture and the tendency to move the body during speech, and (iii) textual description of the visual appearance.
Applied methodology has been extremely suitable in the modelling context. In fact, a complex and long-term empirical analysis of behaviour on a large sample has been avoided, and theories and methods which enable fast modelling of lifestyles have been used instead.
The results obtained in this work have great potential for application, primarily in the area of computer science (computer games and intelligent tutoring systems).