Brain Working!, Interaction Design Workshop @ Magdalena



Brain Working! workshop was the first interaction design event in Slovenia (organized by Interakcije), part of the 11th International Festival of Creative Communication – Magdalena 2009.

17 participants (from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy and Serbia) with broad and diverse backgrounds worked together for eight days in Maribor, led by international experts from the field, in order to learn and practice interaction design methodology to achieve useful and fun projects situated in the local context of the city.


The aim of the workshop was to generate ideas, focused on users. Generate ideas that integrate interaction systems into the cultural environments in which they will be used. Workshop promoted interdisciplinary educational approach in the field of interactions. Participants were  introduced to interaction design methodology and practice. Workshop participants were students, researches or practitioners with diverse educational backgrounds.


Coordinators of the workshop were Ivica Mitrović from Department of Visual Communication Design, Arts Academy, University of Split and Sara Božanić from Magdalena and Group leaders were Michael Smyth from Edinburgh Napier University and Erik Sandelin and Magnus Torstensson, founders of Unsworn industries Interaction design and innovation studio based in Malmo, Sweden.