Interaction Design Workshop 2012: Real Utopias



The 7th splitinteractions Interaction Design Workshop will be held at the Arts Academy in Split from 19 to 24 March.

The 7th splitinteractions Interaction Design Workshop will be held at the Arts Academy in Split from 19 to 24 March. Around 30 students from various academic fields, from Croatian universities and regional countries will participate. This year is also planned a small exhibition that will present a selection of representative works created in the previous workshops.


The workshop will address modern utopias, utopias that do not represent imaginary worlds far away, but utopias which, through the creation of different worlds and social relations actually question the current social, technological and cultural relations. Workshop participants will focus on cultural implication of the technology use, through critical design practice – not primary on technology itself. Workshop aim is to encourage participants to go beyond the limits of design definitions, and to re-think what design is today.

Planned workshop leaders are: Demitrios Kargotis and Dash Macdonald from UK, known as Dashndem; Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen and Pekko Koskinen from Finland group Ykon and Loove Broms from Swedish Interactive Institute. They are supported by British Council, Swedish embassy and Republic of Finland.

Themes of previous workshops were: Communities in Transition; People-Centred Methodology; Public Spaces; Technology, Interactions and Learning; Invisible Cities and Hybrid Cities. Projects designed and developed at the workshops were exhibited and awarded at the festivals and exhibitions in region. So far, the workshop was attended by over 150 students of design (visual communications, new media, interaction and product), fine arts, film and video, computer science, ICT, architecture and sociology from major Croatian universities and the universities from region.